Butelka szklana Hygge Kotek Pudrowy Róż 240ml, Suavinex
Butelka szklana Hygge Kotek Szary 240ml, Suavinex
Butelka szklana Hygge Królik Miętowy 120ml, Suavinex
Butelka szklana Hygge Królik Pudrowy Róż 120ml, Suavinex
Kubek 4w1 zestaw 240 ml cytrynowy,
Po prostu piersią, Mamania
Podgrzewacz i sterylizator parowy do butelek i słoiczków Babymilk Second grey, Beaba
Pojemniki na mleko w proszku dark blue/ gray/ pink, Beaba
Pojemniki na mleko w proszku light/ dark mist, Beaba
Smoczki o szybkim przepływie do butelek Zero Zero, Suavinex
Smoczki o wolnym przepływie do butelek Zero Zero, Suavinex
Smoczki okrągłe o szybkim przepływie do butelek 2 szt +4 m-ce , Suavinex
Smoczki okrągłe o wolnym przepływie do butelek 2 szt +0 , Suavinex
Smoczki okrągłe trójprzepływowe do butelek 2 szt +0 , Suavinex
Śniadaniówka My Lunchbag Granatowa, Childhome
Śniadaniówka My Lunchbag Szara, Childhome
Woreczki do przechowywania pokarmu 25 sztuk, Lansinoh
Woreczki do przechowywania pokarmu 50 sztuk, Lansinoh
Zestaw do czyszczenia butelek Mod, Boon
Zestaw startowy Hygge Szary, Suavinex
According to the recommendations of the International Health Organization, the only food they recommend for a baby for the first 6 months of life should be mother's milk. Unfortunately, our beloved baby does not always manage to latch on to the breast, and then the mother decides to express milk with a breast pump and then serve it with a bottle.
Sometimes life writes another scenario - a decision is made to feed formula milk. Then the choice of a feeding bottle is crucial. Several parameters are important, including the shape of the nipple. It is good if it imitates the mother's breast as much as possible, especially if we feed our baby. The second important aspect is a special venting system, thanks to which we will avoid the child's colic. Anti-colic bottles do not generate air inside, so the baby does not swallow it with food. The third thing to note is adjusting the flow of the nipple to the age of the baby. At, feeding bottles have three levels of flow for milk, water or porridge. This section also includes handy dispensers for powdered milk, as well as compact thermo bags for bottles.